Ava Med Spa Specials
We Make it Easy to Look & Feel Your Best…
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Look years younger without surgery!
We are celebrating our 19 year anniversary in Carlsbad, CA!
A special thanks to our loyal patients who travel to see us from far away places like Australia, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, France, Honduras, Japan, Nicaragua, Spain, Philippines, Thailand, AK, AZ, CO, CT, IA, IL, LA, MD, PA,VA, WA,TX and Northern CA! We appreciate you! Of course, we appreciate our local patients as well!
Current Specials
Treat YOURSELF to Fabulous Skin!
- Do you have unsightly warts, moles or skin tags? We can remove them for you leaving you with great looking skin! Pricing from $325.
- Get rid of Brown spots! IPL face $379, $349 each with pack of 3, $319 each with pack of 5
- Xeomin-20 unit min for existing patients cash discount.
- Botox- 20 unit min for existing patients cash discount.